LMMS E-Voucher - Bringing the Food Market Closer to the People


Traditional markets joined forces with modern technology as World Vision launched its e-vouchers project using the Last Mile Mobile Solutions LMMS E-Voucher platform in Juba, South Sudan. Funded by Aktion Deutschland Helft (ADH), through unconditional cash transfers, the project will help address the immediate food needs of 2,000 vulnerable households while assisting them build resilience through livelihood activities from medium to longer term.

South Sudan’s food insecurity impacts an estimated 6.1 million people or half of its total population. World Vision’s food security projects assist over one million people and obviously more needs to be done. Long term solutions are urgently needed to address the chronic food insecurity in most parts of South Sudan.

Elevating the Traders and Livelihood

LMMS E-Voucher allows traders of all sizes to participate in the vendor network to continue contributing to the growth of local markets, allowing them to stay in business through tough times. 

Felista orders her food supply from trader Catherine Alexander who also shared her excitement of using the LMMS technology as a new way to sell goods.  Catherine Alexander, 39, is among the traders chosen to provide food supply. “I am excited to be a part of this project. Beside serving these needy people by making food accessible to them, this also gives me good income than staying in my shop at the public market and waiting for people to come and buy”, she says.

LMMS Solutions on Tablet

The LMMS tablet is pre-loaded with a US$45 electronic voucher which households will use to access available food for their households. As the people choose what they want to buy from the trader’s tablet, the transaction is recorded and transmitted back to the e-voucher system in the server. World Vision will then access and download reports for payment of traders.

The system also helps the team analyze the people’s commodity preferences and buying frequency, among other information. This is key for decision making, further improving the project for the people’s benefit. Leila Michael, 50, a member of mother-to-mother support group talks to the women about issues affecting them while waiting for their turn.

Food and Nutrition Vouchers

“We are pleased to launch the e-vouchers system in Juba. It is exciting to use this technology in our Food & Nutrition Vouchers Project which is more secure for fragile contexts like South Sudan. It helps us serve the communities better. They do not receive direct cash but have their money is loaded in the LMMS card which they can use to shop from accredited vendors”


Cash-based Program helps build resilience in South Sudan’s communities  George Loro, 36, a construction worker turned farmer in Juba, South Sudan, is one of the over 231,000 people assisted byWorld Vision’s Cash-Based Programs located in the four states of South Sudan, namely Juba, Upper Nile, Warrap and Western Equatoria.

E-Voucher Overview Video

Author: Giselle Drouillard-Salom

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