Last Mile Mobile Solutions® - LMMS Solutions
- Registering Beneficiaries
- Creating digital identifications, printing identity cards
- Register Household or Individual level
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- Last Mile Inventory Management System
- Targeted Feeding Distribution
- Conditional Aid (food for work, training, etc.)
- Unconditional Aid (General Distribution)
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- E-Voucher – Electronic Voucher, Multi wallet
- E-Cash
- Paper Voucher
- FSP Integration, Mobile Money Integration, Prepaid Card, Cash in hand
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- Activity Tracking – Cash for Asset/food/work
- Digitally track activity
- Cash for Work (CfW), Food for Work (FfW), Aid for Work (AfW), other
- Efficient and accurate tracking with reporting
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- Activity Tracking – Cash for Asset/food/work
- Training Attendance – Tracking
- Flexible Forms – integration with Kobo ToolBox; assessments, questionnaires, criteria based selection, etc.
- Post Distribution Monitoring, Surveys
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- Tracks shipments of In Kind, GIK and other from main warehouse to all other destinations, including warehouses, communities and final distribution points (FDPs)
- Signature required for receipt at every transfer point
- Provides Online visibility, accessible reporting, tracking
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- Dashboards and Customized Dashboards
- Reports
- Analytical Info
- Data Visualization
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Digital Identity - Registration
Imagine having lost everything and having to walk a very long distance, only to have to stand for hours in line to register your entire family.

LMMS enables organisations to digitally register beneficiaries either at an individual or household level and meets Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance standards. Household members are digitally registered once.

LMMS enables organisations to digitally register beneficiaries either at an individual or household level and meets Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance standards. Household members are digitally registered once.
Individuals receive their own unique bar coded (or EMV chip) ID with a photo (if required). Digital registration can be done through mass enrollment programmes or at a project specific level, enabling projects to track activities at a beneficiary level. Allows projects to create and improve targeting of different vulnerable groups.

Registration of Beneficiaries
Household members are digitally registered once. Individuals receive their own unique bar

Captures demographic and vulnerability information, for everyone in the household rather than just the household head.

LMMS can “read” other bar-coded ID’s generated by 3rd partyapps e.g. UNHCR ProGres.

Ability to print “temporary ID cards” for use during rapid onset disaster. These cards are designed to be used in lieu of the regular photo ID cards.

Enhanced printing for EMV card. The EMV card can serve dual purposes (i.e. for regular LMMS, electronic cash and e-voucher programmes).

Online registration or offline using the LMMS Offline Registration Application.

Proxy registration. Helpful in cases where the targeted individual is unable to attend the distribution.

Household updates can be done at any time.

Dynamic field addition and labeling. To capture additional data.

Beneficiary data import from 3rd parties and export.

“I have three little grandchildren that I have to leave behind when I go to get my food rations, this usually makes me very worried, especially when I am away from home for a very long period of time, Now with the automated system, the process is fast, and I get to go back home early and be with my grandchildren.”