Food Distribution and Partnership with WFP in Democratic Republic of Congo
World Vision agent in North Kivu/DRC Jean Christophe Lunanga shares about the food distribution in Democratic Republic of Congo using LMMS Solution.
In Rutshuru, there is an armed conflict of the M23 which has caused this conflict and a massive displacement of the population.
Displaced people following this conflict have no means to get food. Apart from the need for food, there is a multisectoral and multiform humanitarian crisis in the area and this is why World Vision, in partnership with WFP, are here to provide an urgent response to this situation.
The crisis has caused a lack of access to food, a decrease in the population’s purchasing power and food insecurity in general.
This is why, to alleviate certain needs, World Vision and WFP are providing humanitarian aid, however small, to contribute to the response.
Currently, we are serving 4,065 households here in Rutshuru. We are serving about 190.634 kg, a 15 day ration for 6kg of flour per beneficiary in the household, 1.8kg of pulses, 0.45kg and 0.07kg of cooking salt per beneficiary in the household. To achieve this, we have several steps.
In the Food Distribution and Partnership with WFP in DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) we have the stage of publishing the lists of beneficiaries after validation by WFP.
After that, we do the sensitization of the community, to prepare the distribution. Different facets are involved in this sensitization, in particular the implementing partner, the intervention team and all the partners we work with we give information related to rationing, protection, dignity and fairness in our behaviour towards our beneficiaries.
We also settle the aspects linked to the recruitment of day workers and their payment, after sensitization and publication of the lists of beneficiaries, we move on to the distribution of tokens and the public appeal. Then the beneficiary goes to the hand washing point and the temperature sampling point, with the aim of making our contribution to the fight against Covid-19.
The next step is the LMMS point
LMMS (Last Mile Mobile Solution) is a technological solution designed to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and accountability in the delivery of humanitarian services.
After the electronic distribution in LMMS, there is a point of registration and during this step, the beneficiary attests that he/she wants to enter the distribution site and receive the food.
Then comes the site entry point, which is located on this side. At the site entrance, beneficiaries enter in groups of 10 of the same household size. They receive food distribution from 10 households and go to the sharing area and during the sharing, there are World Vision agents and community volunteers who do the follow-up.
They make sure that the sharing is balanced and acceptable to all. This verification process can also be marked as completed in LMMS.
This system makes things organized, and provides a faster and fairer process for both beneficiaries, staff and volunteers.
Management Insights, analytics and reporting provides an easy to access online view of beneficiaries, communities served and additional details.
Food Distribution and Partnership – World Vision with WFP in DRC