LMMS enables quicker aid in Venezuela

Venezuela responds and tracks impact with LMMS Solutions

In a time of uncertainty where food security is of the most importance, amongst other needs,
 World Vision Venezuela responds to the crisis

How does staff in the field appreciate LMMS?

The food security project in Venezuela consisted of two main activities:

  • Distribution of food kits and food prep
  • Cooking Workshops

LMMS Solutions were used to assist with registration of those receiving assistance. Once registered they were enrolled in the programs they were selected for and were most appropriate for in their community.

LMMS solutions were used:

The LMMS Solutions applications  were used to provide these, creating easy to access Dashboards for visibility and analysis.

LMMS was used to register the participants on the day of the distribution, scanning their card and verifying their identity with the card. 

During the implementation, the progress of the distribution was reviewed in real time. 

We also used it to review the event’s achievements after it was over. 


The populations served were in 4 states in Venezuela (Zulia, Táchira, Capital District and Miranda), serving approximately 16,000 people.

The use of LMMS allowed greater agility in the processes in the field, speeding up the registration of families when they arrive at the distribution points. 

A successful program as we serve beneficiaries expediently and preserve their dignity throughout their process. 

Beneficiaries appreciate faster and fairer aid distribution with dignity and efficiency

The care with which the staff assisted them, and the organizational speed brought in by LMMS Solutions as beneficiaries retain their ID card for future programs, without the need for another registration. 

Serving beneficiaries with heart and faster systems allow staff to accurately gather information, keep tracking and accountability, all the while delivering aid and care. 

Registration using LMMS
Venezuela Aid using LMMS Solutions

 Author: Giselle Drouillard-Salom

Translations and subtitles for all videos: Giselle Drouillard-Salom


Venezuela crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help 

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