LMMS - Enhancing Humanitarian Service Delivery Through Technology and Innovation

    LMMS Solutions celebrates 15 plus years of service to World Vision and other NGOs partner users. Last Mile Mobile Solutions started by bringing ease to humanitarian workers in the last mile through digitization of Registration and Distribution, has over the years integrated, innovated and led new solutions. Attending market demands and providing answers to humanitarian assistance in global changes through impact, transparency and accountability.

15 Year Anniversary LMMS

Last Mile Mobile Solutions® (LMMS)

LMMS – is a technology solution designed to strengthen efficiency, effectiveness and accountability in humanitarian aid service delivery. LMMS improves remote data collection, and helps better management of aid recipients, and additionally enables faster and fairer aid distributions, delivering rapid reporting functionality to aid workers.

LMMS is a stand-alone technology solution developed by World Vision in collaboration with the IT industry. It combines software applications with custom hardware to digitize (and simplify) the process. These applications include; beneficiary registration, verification, distribution planning and management, monitoring and reporting, with the ability to integrate with third party applications.

LMMS Solutions

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Has been used in over 40 countries delivering accountability and ease

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Has been used by over 20 agencies globally enabling data digitalization

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Over 5M beneficiaries registered annually thru LMMS expediting cash and in kind distribution

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Over $100 million USD and counting in cash based programming

Global Presence

LMMS Solutions used Globally

LMMS Solutions developed by World Vision International