Cash Transfer to Address Returnees' Pressing Needs in Burundi
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ECHO CCD Consortium Digitizes Multi Purpose Cash Assistance in Ethiopia
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Use of LMMS Technology in Vaccination Reveals Beneficiary Vulnerability Factors World Vision is responding to the devastating impact of COVID-19 in more than 70 countries.


Tigray Emergency Response with Multipurpose Cash World Vision Ethiopia is responding to people affected by multiple crises in Tigray Region.  Desert locust, recurrent drought and


Technology and Partnering for Social Innovation – ALNAP Case Study Case Study Summary World Vision and our Information Technology (IT) partners have developed innovative software


Digitisation of Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) Monitoring and Evaluation – Lessons Learnt from Rwanda In August 2020, World Vision launched a year-long learning initiative to attain lessons from


Cash and Voucher Assistance to Rebuild West Sulawesi Post Earthquake Wahana Visi Indonesia provides cash and voucher assistance to 1,430 households affected by the earthquake


Ousmane’s LMMS Card Enables Faster Aid in Mali In emergency contexts like Mali, due to long-term conflict, the delivery of aid to vulnerable people fleeing

LMMS accessed in the field.

Flood Affected Areas in Bangladesh Benefit from LMMS In one of the most remote regions in Bangladesh the Tahirpur area is often affected by floods.


Ultra Poor Graduation Project in Rwanda The Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) programmes provide extremely poor households with a pathway out of poverty by helping families engage

Mobile Innovation Improves Food Distribution at Refugee Camps in Kenya

Mobile Innovation Improves Food Distribution at Refugee Camps in Kenya Hundreds of refugees stand in queues as they wait to get food rations for their
